Beautiful Butterfly Wing Necklace

I’ve blogged about Little Splurge several times before, but it’s always been about shoes. This time, it’s jewelry that caught my eye. Specifically, butterfly jewelry. Surprised, aren’t you? (first time readers, look at my header ;))

Real Butterfly Wing NecklaceAnyway, my reaction was about the same as the author. She wrote, “My first thought when I saw this necklace, made of a wing from a Scarlet Swallowtail butterfly, was, How pretty. My second thought was, Wait, is this person murdering butterflies?” Thankfully, that’s not the case.

On every Etsy listing, the artist PoPkO! includes a disclaimer that all the wings are from a conservatory “where the butterflies lived in a happy garden until they naturally expire.” In a comment on the Little Splurge post, she also explains that “Its one of those gardens where the butterflies can fly around and even land on you. Unfortunately they have a short life span. But I am lucky enough to share them beyond that.”

And I’d say we’re lucky for that, too! I love every one of these necklaces I’ve seen, and because each necklace is made to order, each one is unique. I admit, I haven’t seen one in person, but just from the photos you can see the detail and delicacy of the wing and how its translucency allows the silver backing to shine through in the light. They’re just gorgeous!

Prices range from around $38 to $60 depending on the pendant. There’s even a double-sided locket available!

2 Responses to “Beautiful Butterfly Wing Necklace”

  1. Little Splurge Says:

    Thanks for link love, Gwenelle! I adore the butterfly necklaces too. I’m having trouble deciding which one to get.

  2. shelby Says:

    Im looking for a birthday present for a friend of mine. i to are undecided on which locket to get her.They are all so pretty!

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