Reblog: God, we need a miracle!

I met Nathan and Beth about 10 years ago as a student at Word of Life Bible Institute and later had the privilege of working with them at a children’s summer camp. Please take a moment to read this post and say a prayer for the Shoultz family.

Reposted from Mike Calhoun’s blog: God, we need a miracle!:

I am taking a reprieve from the topic I had planned to cover in my blog today to ask you to join me in prayer for a special family. Nathan and Beth Shoultz have served with Word of Life for 8 years and are an incredible blessing to this ministry.

On Monday, December 12, 2011, Nathan suffered a stroke at the age of 31. We do not know all the damage caused by the stroke or the prognosis for recovery at this point. I am asking that you pass the word along to your friends, churches and organizations asking them to pray. Nathan and Beth have four small children under the age of 7 with the youngest being only a few weeks old.

I have watched Nathan’s life since he was a young preacher boy in his youth group in Indiana. A gifted preacher and musician, he has ministered within Word of Life in our camps, local church ministries and conferences.

He helped redesign our website and create the online version of our Quiet Time Diary. Recently he was appointed assistant director of both Word of Life Snow Camp and Island.

I do not know what God wants for this young man so I am asking you to pray that God restores him to health, to his family and to future ministry.

Top 10 Reasons I’m Glad I’m Done With School

Mama’s Losin’ It
Writing prompt from Mama Kat: Top ten reasons why you’re glad you’re done with school.

I finished my bachelor’s degree just over five years ago and, while I did enjoy certain aspects of college life, I can’t really say I miss it much overall, so I had fun writing my response to this week’s writing prompt from Mama Kat.

Top 10 Reasons I’m Glad I’m Done With School

10.) Obviously, there is a certain sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with being a college graduate … whether it that achievement carries any weight in the real world is another story.

9.) Sitting in an office 40 hours a week isn’t ideal, but at least I have a cushioned office chair and my own, permanent workspace brightened with a few favorite photos  … instead of a hard, squeaky plastic seat attached to an awkward little desk that’s been “decorated” with past occupants’ doodles or (eek!) gum. Read the rest of this entry »

What did *you* bring for lunch?

Just spotted this crazy lunch bag at Too bad I didn’t see it sooner – would have been a perfect gag gift for my brother’s birthday! 😉

Organ Transport Lunch Bag – What did *you* bring for lunch?
If your images were on you'd see Organ Transport Lunch Bag - What did *you* bring for lunch?Those jerks in the office keep stealing your BLTs from the fridge. You’ve tried everything from hiding your lunchbox in the crisper drawer to leaving passive-aggressive notes on your brown paper bag. Let a bit of social engineering do the job!This bag resembles the one used by EMTs transporting human organs to the hospital for transplant. Maybe they won’t want to see gross raw innards, or maybe they don’t want to somehow contaminate a lifegiving donation. Either way, your lunch is left alone, for once.

Note: Please don’t use this bag to cut your way through lines. That’s just not cool. Funny, but not cool. is one of my favorite sites for wacky, funky or unique gifts like this (where I bought hubby’s Firefly t-shirt last Christmas). Next time you’re in the market for something a little less than ordinary for your local zombie activist‘s birthday, a Christmas present for your favorite trekkie, or a prank to play on your unsuspecting coworkers or roommates, head to and let the fun begin!

Are you hooked on Facebook?

Facebook“Facebook profiles are like belly buttons: everybody’s got one,” jokes Jolie O’Dell . Okay, so that might be a slight exaggeration, but it’s not far off.

I found that statement and accompanying infographic (below) on today through a related tweet mentioning that the hearing begins today for Dawnemarie Souza, a former medical technician who was fired after maligning her boss on Facebook. Some people might find that absurd, but I’ve had friends who deactivated Facebook accounts or refuse to join in the first place for fear of repercussions in the workplace. Ironically, I’ve worked in positions where interacting on social networks was one of the job requirements.

Whether you adore or abhor Facebook, though, you can’t ignore its significance in our increasingly techno-centric society. Read the rest of this entry »

Made By You Mondays: Steve’s new ‘do

Last week, I didn’t get to blog much; we had a lot going on and then had to go out of town for a few days. Anyway, today I’m trying to get back on track. Mondays are a good day for that, right?

I’ve been talking about crochet lately, but I realized I haven’t posted hardly any of my own projects! So my newest “Made by You Monday” topic is my favorite crocheted item to date. I actually made it more than a month ago, but I hadn’t uploaded the photos until recently. Considering the recipient of the hat was also the subject of my previous post, I thought it would be an appropriate topic today. So without further ado, here it is: a “rasta” hat in the colors of the Jamaican flag, complete with 12+ inch beaded dreads (pictured at left, modeled by Dear Hubby). Read the rest of this entry »