When a coworker imed me this morning to wish me a HAPPY CAPS LOCK DAY, I couldn’t help but cringe. You mean someone out there wants to celebrate such a crime against proper English?

Apparently, yes. According to CNN.com, “It was just an idea that happened in 2000 and hasn’t stopped since.” In fact, it’s currently a trending topic on Google and Twitter,  and it’s got an “official” website too. Plus, it’s one of the few obscure holidays that claims attention twice a year, October 22 and June 28. The latter date coincides with the death of infomercial all-star Billy Mays in 2009, known for speaking “like he’s got his Cap Locks key on.” Read the rest of this entry »

Where’s my big red pen?

Before you read this post, please understand that I was in the mood to rant when I wrote it.  I rarely write with such a negative tone, so please forgive me for giving in to the temptation this time.  Seeing that it’s Monday, it seemed fitting, and as they say, nobody’s perfect.

Last winter, when I was looking for a new job in the hopes of leaving the retail world, I sent out email inquiries and resumes by the dozen.  Praise the Lord, He provided that new job opportunity in late December, but occasionally I still receive a reply to one of my applications.

One such reply arrived just the other day, and I read it simply out of curiosity.  I don’t normally respond to things like this, other than to say “no thanks” or “please take me off your email list,” but I couldn’t let this particular missive pass without writing back.  Let me share an excerpt from the email and perhaps you’ll understand why, as a writer, former copy editor, and communications major, I was aghast at this ostensibly “professional” solicitation.   Read the rest of this entry »

(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday

This is the whiteboard in my office’s breakroom.   I cringed when I read it.  Then after I took the picture, I rubbed out the quote marks.  I did resist the temptation to send the writer a link to The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks, but it wasn’t easy!   Call me a grammar nazi, but incorrectly used quotation marks drive me crazy!

Dear coworker

Before you read this post, let me be perfectly clear: I would never actually say this to my office mates.   I just find it somehow therapeutic to blog about … a cathartic rant, if you will.

Dear coworker,

Do you realize that you’re still on speakerphone with your client? You seem to have no concept of a private conversation.  You also seem ignorant of the fact that although you have a private office, the rest of us only have four-foot cubicle walls to block the sound of your whiny voice.

Therefore, kindly shut your [insert derogatory term here] door so us lowly minions can get back to typing in peace.  Thank you.


Your disgruntled writers, editors, programmers and all other unfortunate victims within hearing range

Thanks for reading, friends.  <cleansing sigh> I feel much better now.

Silly Souvenirs?

Today I was creating travel offers for special events throughout the U.S.

I noticed that most of the packages included some type of souvenir plaque or pin. Based on my own experience with such “collectibles,” I feel their inclusion is nothing more than an opportunity to increase the charge to the traveler, for after the event, what good is a pin or plaque other than to collect dust? Or more likely, collect dust for a few months on a shelf or bookcase, then end up in the Goodwill box so some other useless trinket can take its place?

Don’t get me wrong; I’m a sentimental pack rat on my best days, but this particular keepsake seems pointless. Why not lower the price for the consumer, letting each one choose to either purchase a souvenir that has personal significance, or save a few bucks to put toward next year’s trip.

Personally, I like to collect decorative shot glasses everywhere I travel.  Never use them, but they’re small and generally inexpensive.   Every tourist trap offers  several varieties to choose from, and many other places do too.  And when on display, they make a great conversation starter.